Weipu Products

Injection molding ferrite particles for bonded magnet

This product is an injection molded magnetic particle modified by anisotropic strontium/barium ferromagnetic powder and nylon 6/12, polyphenylene sulfide (PPS), ethylene-ethyl acrylate copolymer (EEA) and other binders and additives.

Nylon 6 series products with 150℃ high temperature resistance, good fluidity and excellent mechanical properties and other characteristics, in the injection molding magnetic industry has been widely used, it is the current injection molding magnetic raw materials in the cost-effective products.

Applications: Laser printer core/buzzer magnetic ring/cylinder magnetic ring/induction magnetic ring/motor inner and outer rotor/water pump magnetic ring, etc.

Injection molding ferrite particles for bonded magnet


(BH)max: 9.6-18.4kJ/m³(1.2-2.3MGOe)

Br: 220-300mT(2.2-3.0kGs)

Hcb: 175-239kA/m(2.2-3.0kOe)

Hcj: 207-271kA/m(2.6-3.4kOe)


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Rare earth hybridization Injection molding ferrite particles for bonded magnet

This product is injection molded magnetic particle modified by rare earth material samarium iron-nitrogen magnetic powder, anisotropic strontium ferromagnetic powder, nylon 12, polyphenylether (PPS) and other binders and additives.

Samarium ferric nitrogen hybrid ferrite injection molded magnetic particle products can provide higher magnetic properties than injection molded ferrite design and excellent injection molding characteristics, it has gradually become the main product of injection molded bonded magnets development potential.

Application fields: various motor rotors and induction magnetic rings in the automotive field and servo motor rotors and sensor magnetic rings in the robot field.

(Note: Samarium iron nitrogen materials are all provided by the invention patent holder MagValley Production)

 Rare earth hybridization Injection molding ferrite particles for bonded magnet


(BH)max: 16.0-60.0kJ/m³(2.0-7.5MGOe)

Br: 350-580mT(3.5-5.8kGs)

Hcb: 175-302kA/m(2.2-3.8kOe)

Hcj: 286-676kA/m(3.6-8.5kOe)



Rare earth samarium iron nitrogen injection magnetic particle material

This product is a rare earth material samarium iron nitrogen magnetic powder and nylon 12, polyphenylene sulfide (PPS) and other binders and additives modified injection molding magnetic particles.

The Curie temperature of samarium iron-nitrogen injection molded magnetic particle products is as high as 472℃, and the molded samarium iron-nitrogen magnet is tested at 120℃ for 300 hours, and its permanent irreversible magnetic loss is only less than 3%. In addition, samarium iron-nitrogen materials have stronger corrosion resistance than Ndfeb materials. The resistivity of samarium iron-nitrogen injection bonded magnet is more than 1000 times that of sintered magnet, which can avoid eddy current loss to a greater extent and adapt to the needs of the development of high frequency and high speed direction of motor motor.

Application fields: various motor rotors and induction magnetic rings in the automotive field and servo motor rotors and sensor magnetic rings in the robot field.

(Note: Samarium iron nitrogen materials are all provided by the invention patent holder MagValley Production)

Rare earth samarium iron nitrogen injection magnetic particle material


(BH)max: 60-104kJ/m³(7.5-13MGOe)

Br: 600-750mT(6.0-7.5kGs)

Hcb: 239-493kA/m(3.0-6.2kOe)

Hcj: 557-796kA/m(7.0-10.0kOe)



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